Podcast Hub: Tune Into Creativity

Dive into inspiring discussions on design, creativity, and innovation – where ideas flourish and inspiration takes center stage.


We’ve been in business for 11+ years building scalable tech solutions.


Our systems have processed upwards of $25m in online transactions.


The number of visitors our software has handled over the years.

It started with a bang

At Buttercloud, our journey embarked in 2012 with a clear mission: to empower startups and small businesses to dream big and thrive in the digital landscape. What sets us apart is our passion in turning visions into reality through expertly crafted software.

With a global team embracing remote work, collaboration and a common mission drive us forward.

From partnering with industry giants like Disney Sports to orchestrating events like the DNC/RNC conventions, and powering volunteer registration for multiple Superbowl events, our experience is extensive. Our commitment extends to startups and businesses of all sizes, scaling our expertise to meet diverse needs.

...now we’re here

We're 16 dedicated professionals from across the globe. We help funded startups and visionary founders, driving relevant innovation in today's dynamic market. Join us at Buttercloud for excellence, flexibility, and meaningful partnerships.

Small Team, Massive Impact

Our Guiding Principles

1. Global Flexibility

As a worldwide remote company, we thrive on flexibility. This principle isn't just about where we work; it's about adapting to change & embracing diverse perspectives.

2. Good For People

Our company's foundation is built on fostering a positive, supportive, and empowering environment for both our team and clients.

3. Continuous Learning

Learning is a journey that never ends. We prioritize the continuous sharpening of skills,  where our team remains at the forefront of industry advancements.

4. Partnerships That Last

Our commitment to forging lasting partnerships with our clients ensures that we're invested in their growth and ongoing success.

Productize ‘Till It Hurts, Customize ‘Till It Works

Discussing how the product features should accommodate the customer needs, and how rigid should they be towards product roadmap.

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How We Do MVPs

Step-by-step action plan for planning and executing an MVP.

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Is Remote Work Better?

What are the pros and cons of remote work and is it better than office work?

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